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Learn 9 Things You Must do When Creating an Estate Plan!

While most of us do not like to consider death, the costs of not planning for it can be high. Whether you have specific instructions for family heirlooms, want to prevent unnecessary stress for loved ones, or save money on probate and taxes, estate planning is for you. Actually, everyone can benefit from it, and the process of estate planning is not as difficult as you may think.

This guide will cover some of your estate questions and provide a checklist for creating an estate plan and preserving your wealth. Getting ahead of your estate planning needs will ensure a smooth transition for your heirs, while putting it off may lead to unintended consequences in an untimely or unexpected passing.

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What is estate planning?

For many, the first thing that comes to mind about estate planning is creating a will. While this is an important part, it is only one part. In reality, proper estate planning is so much more.

Estate planning means creating a plan to protect your assets upon your passing and distributing them according to your wishes. The many components include a will, tax planning, life insurance, funeral preparation, charitable giving, beneficiary designation, and arrangements for minors. It can also involve arranging for end-of-life care and the possibility of incapacitation through the use of a power of attorney document.

Learn 9 Things You Must do When Creating an Estate Plan!

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